Made With Purpose

(From left to right) My brother Neil, my mother, Nilsa & me, Joel Nolan.

Inspiration Behind The Purpose

I want to take the time to dedicate the Joel Nolan brand to my beautiful mother, Nilsa, who passed away July 15, 2011 from breast cancer. Prior to this day, I had the honor of being by her side every day for the fight. We were close but this journey made us even closer. I was her immediate caretaker during the week from April 2011-July 2011.

Monday through Friday I would take her to the hospital to get treatment. I felt drained but my mother had an unbreakable spirit. Even when given unfavorable news about her status, she was fired up to keep on fighting. She had big plans for when she beat cancer again and a mutating cell wasn't going to stop her.

On our way home one day from treatment, she said something to me that I remember so clearly. "Joel, when I beat this cancer again, I want to dedicate my time to supporting and helping other cancer patients fight."

It's no surprise that she wanted to help others because my mother was a major supporter of the dreams my brother and I had and she always encouraged our creativity. Creativity for her, silenced the world and it was beautiful. So, thank you, Mom! Thank you for still being an inspiration in my life. You're the reason I've turned an idea into reality! 

The Purpose

The Joel Nolan brand started in my kitchen one December night in 2016. Out of nowhere I had an urge to do something creative. I didn't know what right away but after searching for things on Amazon, I found a candle making kit and it hit me! FOLLOW MY LOVE FOR GOOD SMELLS!  2 days later, I was in the kitchen melting wax on the stove and mixing oils to create fragrances.

Similar to how doing something creative for my mother silenced the world, candle making did the same. Melting wax, mixing the fragrances, pouring it and seeing it progress from liquid to a fully settled candle was absolutely relaxing. With this new found passion, I decided I wanted to create a product that is simply an extension of who I am, Joel Nolan.

Since I am an extension of my mother, who was creative, loving and filled with positivity, I decided that I would bring this happiness and satisfaction I found through making candles, to the public. More importantly, I would be activating my mothers dream to support those going through the breast cancer fight.

For every candle that is purchased from here on, I will donate 10% of the order (10% of the subtotal) to the  Living Beyond Breast Cancer organization. Thank you all so much for your support! 

Living Beyond Breast Cancer Logo